
Every subject has a passionate lead who champions their subject in school, ensuring that children receive a well rounded, broad and balanced curriculum. Subject leads ensure that learning is sequenced from Early Years upwards. They ensure that their subject has been planned to reinforce prior learning and increase in cognitive complexity. This means that lessons are progressive, and skills and knowledge build on one another.
Our motto is ‘Let Your Light Shine’ and this underpins all we are aiming to achieve at St Mary’s. It enables us to prepare the children to be life-long learners who achieve their unique God-given potential.
Our dedicated teachers work hard to inspire children with a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, matched to their needs and interests. In this way children develop a thirst for learning and become independent thinkers – key skills for life in Modern Britain.
Our intent is to move children towards a deep level of understanding in every subject area so that they are able to use and apply skills and knowledge in different areas. We have constructed our curriculum so that key knowledge and skills are built upon secure prior learning. This begins with the crucial Foundation Stage which creates a solid bedrock of knowledge and skills upon which to springboard from.